The Divinely Empowered Way

Journey I - Understanding Your Inner World

Welcoming What Has Been Hidden in the Depths

Understanding Your Inner World - Reclaiming Parts of Self

My intention is that each session will include information, experiential opportunities to go inward, as well as interaction with participants. I trust intuition about how to best meet the unique needs of the group each week, and will implement intention setting, guided visualization, shamanic journeying, and quantum & reiki energy work as guided.

01 — The Big Lie vs The Truth

In our first session we illuminate the biggest lie that has permeated our sense of self. We discuss how this Big Lie becomes cemented in the neural pathways of our subconscious mind and goes unchallenged, all the while directing the majority of our choices in life.

Bringing in some teachings of the Medicine Wheel, we begin to awaken the Truth within, an awareness that becomes the catalyst for your life.

02 — The Mortal Wound

In Week 2 we create insight surrounding the ways in which the Big Lie found it’s way into our psyche and our energy fields. We discuss the various layers of our energy body, and how messages became lodged in these layers as sensory memory.

You will discover why you struggle with strong mental, emotional and physical reactions in certain contexts while remaining balanced in others.

03 — The Defended Self

In Week 3 we transform your beliefs about the behaviours and feelings of the part of self that you have most deeply rejected, the part that has received the most negative feedback from others. We delve into the shadow to uncover the true essence of this aspect of self, see how and why it came into being, and have an opportunity to welcome it home.

04 — The Critical Voice

In Week 4 we go into the depths and confront the thoughts that hold you back, the chain of words that are obstacles to creating and receiving your heart’s desire. This isn’t logic work. The problem doesn’t live in the logic. Sometimes, the messages don’t even have words but are a physical or emotional weight that is familiar and incapacitating. We summon the Truth as we challenge these blocks.

05 — Authentic Self

Week 5 provides an opportunity to connect with the desires of our heart and meet the highest version of self. We may not have ever known her, might have just caught glimpses. In Week 5 we will see her face to face.

We are inspired to bring all parts of self into alignment. With clear insight on how various parts of self have subconsciously operated in the past, we create a vision of how to consciously and lovingly support ourselves in an integrated way moving forward.

06 — The Divinely Empowered Way ™

Wrapping up our time together provides insight on how to bring all parts together into an Integrated Whole, an opportunity to welcome all our parts home from exile. We touch on attachment styles and how we can identify when we are out of alignment with the Truth. We envision next steps that will shift momentum toward the desire of your heart, whatever that has become for you during your journey. You may be surprised by how this has evolved.

Bringing all your parts home.